Religious Education
Religious Education Curriculum Overview: Intent
Through the provision of regular Religious Education lessons, we aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society and how these inform our values and are reflected in how people behave. We also seek to help students to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally in a way that enables them to understand and value themselves and others and to better cope with the challenges of living in a rapidly changing, multicultural world.
Religious Education Curriculum Overview: Implementation
Our curriculum model supports the creation of a Religious Education curriculum that enables pupils to develop the academic skills and specialist vocabulary to learn about the beliefs, values and ways of life of others and to reflect upon their own through enquiry. It includes the teaching and practices of the principle religions and worldviews (including non-religious worldviews) that are represented in Great Britain, through meaningful enquiry, whilst also reflecting ‘the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain, are in the main, Christian.
RE is taught in accordance with the Bromley Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2013), as is required by law. Our syllabus is predominantly about Christianity, but Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism are also covered. As well as the systemic units which focus on these major religions, our Scheme of Work also encompasses some thematic approaches, which draw on a number of religions.
We adopt a creative approach to our studies, which embraces active learning, artistic and practical activities, story telling, dramatic interpretation, discussion, group work, and technology as well as traditional independent recording of our learning. The children enjoy investigating our well resourced artefact collection, and also benefit from visits to places of worship and receiving visitors from faith communities in school.
In accordance with the law parents also have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education lessons. If this is the case we would encourage you to discuss the matter with the class teacher before making a final decision. Should you then choose to withdraw your child from RE please notify the school in writing of your decision. Parents wishing to view the Religious Education Policy should contact the school office.
Religious Education Outcomes: Impact
RE learning impacts on pupils’ understanding of the multicultural and multi-faith society we live in today, enabling the exploration of issues, beliefs and differences between faiths. Having learned about different faiths and beliefs, pupils are then encouraged to understand how people interact with each other and explore interfaith issues of contemporary society.
Religious Education and SMSC
RE has a special contribution to make towards the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of our children, and is, therefore, an important and valued subject at PBPS.
Collective Worship
Collective worship is held daily and is based on themes to extend the children's understanding and knowledge of religious beliefs and values. Whole school, year group and class-based assemblies are held each week to celebrate and share successes, build a sense of community, explore key themes and promote an increasing sense of responsibility.
The school has a Collective Worship policy that has been approved by the Trust. This policy gives a definition of Collective Worship and outlines how we ensure that a daily act of Collective Worship takes place in accordance with the law.
Our intention is that Collective Worship, as part of our daily assembly, should be an inclusive activity, respecting the integrity of all concerned. It is hoped that all parents will want their children to be involved. However, in accordance with the law, children may be withdrawn from Collective Worship if their parents request it, but we would encourage you to discuss this fully with the class teacher before coming to a final decision on this matter. The school will make alternative arrangements for children who are withdrawn from assemblies.
Parents wishing to view the Collective Worship Policy should contact the school office.