At Pratts Bottom Primary School we have the follow spaces for hire:
1. Main Hall
2. Playing Field
3. Playgrounds
4. Classrooms
5. School Kitchen (with permission of school caterers) – Must comply with Food Safety Act 1990 and Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 and other relevant legislation and codes of practice
6. Staffroom
Hire of areas will include the following as appropriate:
- Toilets
- Fire extinguishers
- First aid facilities
Subject to availability and at the Headteacher’s discretion, facilities can be hired at the following times:
Mondays – Fridays 5.30 pm - 11.00 pm
Saturdays 9.00 am - 11.00 pm
Sundays 9.00 am - 11.00 pm
No lettings will be permitted on Public or Bank Holidays.
Recommended Hire Charges
Regular Weekly Lettings:
Regular lettings terminating before 18.00 £15 per hour or part thereof
Regular lettings terminating after 18.00 £25 per hour or part thereof
Hire of Pitch
Monday – Friday after school £10 per session
Charges are per hour or part thereof and the hire period is for a minimum of 4 hours’ duration.
Parties (under 16s) up to 18.00 Monday – Friday £50
- For non-commercial users that do not have their own insurance, a premium of 10% of the letting fee will be charged in addition to the hire charge in respect of the Academy’s contingent liability policy.
- All hire charges incorporate caretaker and utility costs as appropriate.
- The Lettings Policy provides for charges to persons other than School Link to be at the discretion of the Head of School using the Table of Recommended Hire Charges for guidance.
- All charges payable half termly in advance.
- Additional Refundable Deposit not less than £100.
- The School Business Manager may negotiate for a regular letting or community group.
1. Enquires for the hire of the School Premises should be made to the School Business Manager at Pratts Bottom Primary School. Applicants are advised to visit the school to ascertain the suitability of the premises for the purpose of hire, in consultation with the School Business Manager.
2. All applications must be made on the ‘Application for Use of Education Premises Out of Normal Hours’ forms which are available from the school.
3. The School reserves the right to limit the number of people admitted to the premises depending upon the type and size of accommodation hired and in line with Health and Safety requirements.
4. The School reserves the right to cancel the hiring of premises, should the school require the premises for educational or local government purposes or in order that maintenance tasks can be undertaken. Every effort will be made to give at least one week’s notice of such a cancellation.
5. The School also reserves the right to refuse without explanation any application and to cancel any hiring at any time without notice. On termination of the hiring under this condition the school shall return to the hirer all or part of any money paid. The school shall not however, be under any liability for any loss incurred by the hirer.
6. The School reserves the right of entry to the premises hired at all times of such officers as they may deem necessary for the proper supervision of the premises.
7. If the hirer intends to use the premises for fetes or similar activities, the hirer must take out a policy of insurance for Public Liability and Damage, in the joint names of both the hirer and the School indemnifying him/her and the school against all claims and proceedings by any person in respect of any damage or injury, including injury resulting in death, arising directly or indirectly from the hirer’s use of the premises. Please consult with the School to confirm the limit of indemnity in the school’s insurance policy.
8. Permission to use the premises is personal to the hirer who may NOT therefore assign it or sub-let the use of the premises in any way.
9. The School grounds will not be available to hirers who wish to stage any event using pyrotechnics and the construction of any object with the purpose to ignite such an object.
10. Specialist rooms and offices are not available for hire.
11. The hirers shall undertake to see that the premises are used in an orderly way and for the purpose for which they are expressly hired.
12. The School does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any goods, cars or personal effects belonging to the hirer or members of their organisation, association, clubs or to any other person present at the time of hiring.
13. The premises are not licensed for public entertainment and the collection of money for admission cannot be permitted. The entertainments that are permitted on the premises under the terms of hiring cannot therefore be advertised to the general public.
14. Health & Safety precautions must be observed at all times when using the premises.
15. The person or persons hiring the premises for the use of entertainment for children or any entertainment, to which children will be admitted, shall accept full responsibility for all the arrangements made.
16. All hiring is subject to the hirer or his/her authorised representative occupying and using the premises at the stated times.
17. In the case of youth organisations a responsible adult must remain on the premises at all times whilst children are present.
18. All hirers are to ensure that they are registered with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and have appropriate disclosures in place. A copy of the hirers safeguarding/child protection policy together confirmation of DBS checks should be attached to the application.
19. The School does not allow any form of gambling to take place on its premises and all fund raising events must be approved before the letting has been confirmed by the school.
20. There will be NO SMOKING (including electronic cigarettes) on any School Grounds/Premises at all times.
21. No intoxicants or alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises without the authority of the Head of School and appropriate licences being obtained.
22. Normally the premises will not be available for hire on Bank and Public holidays or during the school mid- summer break, when annual maintenance usually takes place. However, the school welcomes enquiries to establish availability at these times, and some bookings may be arranged depending on the above commitments.
23. All hirers are to ensure that the premises are kept in a clean and tidy state while hiring is in progress, and also to ensure that the premises are left in the same condition after hiring has taken place. A Broom is available for your use.
24. The use of the premises for election meetings under the representation of the People Act will only be granted when the necessary insurance cover has been obtained. Please consult with the School to confirm the limit of indemnity in the school’s insurance policy.
25. The School cannot take bookings that include the hiring of the School catering facilities or catering staff.
26. The School does not permit overnight letting at any time.
27. If the hiring finishes earlier than stated, a responsible person must remain on the premises until the Caretaker has secured the premises.
28. A refundable deposit will be required by the school of no less that £100. This will be used to cover any breakages or damage that may occur, or any additional cleaning that is necessitated by the let.
29. In the event of the hirer not arriving within 45 minutes of the start time, unless prior notice is received, the school will be secured and the letting considered to be cancelled. In this event NO refund will be made to the hirer.
30. Full payment of the letting fee and refundable deposit must be made in full in advance of the letting date. If payment has not been received by the school prior to the event the letting will be cancelled by the school.
31. On no account shall hirers offer a gratuity payment to the caretaker on duty for the school. Donations to the school will be accepted through the normal channels, ie. The School Office.
32. Refunds will only be paid out if cancelled by the hirer with more than 1 week’s notice or the event is cancelled by the school due to school requirements or Local Government needs.
33. Charges will be reviewed annually by the School Governing Body. Any changes in the charges for regular lettings will be notified to regular hirers as soon as possible after the change has been agreed by the Governing Body.
34. All accommodation will have the use of toilet facilities. Please note that the facility may not be suitable for certain activities and age groups. Unfortunately the school is currently unable to offer any disabled toilet facilities.
35. The School offers a number of discounts to its regular hirers to promote Community use and local activities.
36. The School reserves the right to refuse to let their premises to organisations whose actions have shown them to be racist.
37. The School will not be responsible for the promotion and administration of any hirer’s events or regular meetings.
38. The hirer should ensure that a member of the group has been designated as First Aider and is competent enough for such a role and its requirements. The school can make a first aid box available for use.
39. Hirers must ensure members of their groups are aware for safety of all on site.
40. Under no circumstances must any keyholder copy, share or hand over the key to any other person. Such activity would result in the immediate cancellation of the letting.
41. The Site Manager or a nominated representative may at any time undertake a spot check of the letting.
42. Any circumstance under which the Site Manager is called ‘out-of-hours’ may result in a one-off callout fee for which the hirer will be charged.
All hirers must familiarise themselves with Fire Evacuation procedures and in the event of a fire alarm sounding, must gather in the park or school field until instructed to return to the School/School grounds.
Day | Time | A | B | C |
Mon - Fri | 6 - 11pm | £31 | £40 | £45 |
Sat |
8am - 6pm 6pm - 11:30pm |
£31 £77 |
£40 £80 |
£45 £85 |
Sun |
8am - 1pm 1pm - 6pm 6pm - 11:30pm |
£31 £62 £77 |
£40 £70 £80 |
£45 £75 £85 |