Art and Design
Art and Design at PBPS: Vision and Intent
We offer a structured and sequenced Art and Design curriculum that enables teachers to effectively cover all areas of the art and design national curriculum expectations.
Our intent reflects the schools three curriculum drivers:
- Diversity: The arts celebrate multiple perspectives. One of their large lessons is that there are many ways to see and interpret the world. With this in mind the school's vision for art education is to introduce children to the work of current and historical artists, designers and crafts people from around the world.
- Growth Mindset: To raise children’s aspirations we aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills to invent and create their own works in a range of techniques and styles. Our art curriculum is planned to make art and design an irresistible activity that engages, inspires and challenges the thinking of both pupils and staff.
- Sustainability: Through our curriculum we aim to enable children to think critically and reflect on issues that impact themselves and the wider world. Through these experiences children are able to develop and discuss ideas on how they can have a positive impact on the future of our world.
Art and Design Curriculum Overview: Implementation
Our units are planned to enable a thorough coverage of all aspects of art and design throughout each school year. Vertical progression in each discipline has been deliberately woven into the fabric of the curriculum so that pupils can revisit key disciplines throughout their Primary journey at increasing degrees of challenge and complexity. This ensures that pupils are equipped to successfully think, work and communicate like an artist. Unapologetically ambitious, our art curriculum focuses on excellence in this subject.
During sessions teachers place an emphasis on the balance between demonstration and experimentation. As children gain proficiency in skills and techniques they are given choices of the equipment and tools they wish to use. Teachers also place emphasis on the importance of the process involved within art rather than the end product. During sessions teachers use questioning to judge children’s thought process and underlying understanding rather than assessing a finished piece. Only assessing a finished piece of work will lead to teachers assessing using their own artistic preferences rather than the skills and ideas that have been used throughout the process. Each module focuses on developing different aspects of the artistic competencies. This supports teachers in understanding pupils’ development as artists more broadly, as well as how successfully they are acquiring the taught knowledge and skills.
Art and Design Curriculum Overview: Impact
The aim of our curriculum is to ensure that:
- Children will develop proficiency in a range of skills, techniques and practices which will inspire them outside of the classroom and as they journey through life.
- Children will develop a critical and reflective mind-set that enables to discuss issues of importance to them and the wider world.
- Children will be confident in analysing and adapting their own art and giving opinions on the art of others.
- Children show reliance and perseverance through adapting their work.