Modern Foreign Languages
Whilst the focus is predominately on enjoyment of interaction through speaking and listening, recognising written French and being able to write in the target language also form a part of lessons. Alongside these traditional aspects of language teaching, and in line with the Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages, lessons are designed to improve the children’s understanding of other cultures and their understanding both of how languages are structured and how they inter-relate are provided.
In addition to timetabled MFL lessons, care is taken to take advantage of other opportunities to integrate MFL into the curriculum such as registration in other languages and foreign language songs in assembly.French Curriculum Overview: Implementation
Key Stage Two children at PBPS enjoy weekly French lessons throughout their time at the school. The lessons aim to build pupils' knowledge and understanding of both written and spoken French as they progress up through the school. Lessons are explicitly linked to the Department for Education Languages Programme of Study (see below) using 'Language Angles' as the vehicle for learning.